Active Ingredient: 80% Thiram
Formulation : Wettable Powder (WP)
Method Of Application
Leaf piercing in stone fruits (Peach):
1st application: Immediately after leaf fall in autumn,
2nd application: It is done in the spring when the flower buds swell, before the flowers open.
Apple scribble:
1st application: When the flower buds swell (3-5 days ago in places where there is a row of branches),
2nd application: During the pink rosette bud period (when the flowers are seen separately),
3. application: When 70-80% of flower petals fall,
4. and other sprayings should be done at intervals of 15 days when the climatic conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.
Pear scatter:
1st application: When the flower buds swell (3-5 days ago where there is a row of branches),
2nd application: During the white badge period,
3rd application: When 70-80% of the flower petals fall,
4. and other applications: It should be done with 10 days intervals when the climatic conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.
Pocket disease in plums:
1. application: During the period when the buds swell,
2nd application: It should be done when 80% of the flower petals fall.
Onion application: Seed pesticides are mixed thoroughly in a closed container after the seeds are slightly moistened and planted.
Sluggish in vegetable seedlings: Applications are made in the form of seed and soil spraying. Seed spraying: It is applied to the seed before planting. Soil spraying: It is done before planting, after planting, after the emergence of the seedlings to the soil surface and after the seedlings are transplanted into the greenhouse or field.
Cucurbit anthracnose (Melon, Watermelon):
Seed spraying: Before planting, the seeds are soaked for 1 hour and applied after drying for 1 hour.
Green parts spraying: Even if the daily average temperature is 16°C and the proportional humidity reaches at least 80%; The most practical way in application should be started with the detection of the first anthracnose spots on the leaves and stems of melon-watermelon plants in the environment. Depending on the severity of the disease, climatic conditions and the duration of the plant protection product, the application should be continued.
Settling in tobacco seedlings: It is done when the disease is seen after the seeds are sown and covered with cover fertilizer or after the seedlings have emerged. Spraying to be done as soon as the disease is seen is applied once a week until the surprise period.
Anthracnose of chickpea:
Administration is continued at 7-10 day intervals depending on the course of disease and climatic conditions. If there is heavy rainfall on the day of application, the administration should be repeated. Seed spraying: 3-4 hours before sowing, chickpea seeds should be soaked in water for one hour and then spread over for half an hour and ventilated, and the it should be mixed with required amount of plant protection product and sowed.
Slump in sugar beet (Root blight): Seed spraying should be done before planting.
Compatibility: Can be mixed with fungicides such as Vitavax 200 FF and Tirade Süper 25 EC. Not to be mixed with copper-containing fungicides. Should not be applied right after a copper-containing plant protection product use. Allow 2 weeks waiting period before application.
Detailed Table Information
Tobacco | Smashing in seedlings (Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., Rhizoctonia spp., Alternaria spp., Scierotinia spp.) | 200 g / 100 L water or 2,5-3 g / m2 | 14 days |
Sugar beet | Collapsed (Phoma betae) | 400 g / 100 kg seed | |
Peach | Sert Çekirdekli Meyvelerde Yaprak Delen (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) | 300 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Onion | Spread | 5 kg / 100 kg Shallot seed | |
Vegatables | Rubbing and root rot in vegetable seedlings ( Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani) | 200 g / 100 L water | |
Chickpea | Anthracnose (Ascochyta rabiei) | 300 g/100 kg seed 200 g / 100 L water green part spraying | 14 days |
Kabakgiller | Anthracnose in cucurbits (Colletotrichum orbiculare) | 300 g / 100 kg seed | |
Hazelnut | Dormouse (Muscardinus spp.) | 400 g/ 100 L water | 14 days |
Plum | Pocket disease (Taphrina pruni) | 300 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Apple | Black stain (Venturia inaequalis) | 150 g / 100 L water | 14 days |
Pear | Black stain (Venturia pyrina) | 150 g / 100 L water | 14 days |